
Saturday, May 19, 2012

All Politicians are corrupt???

All Politicians are corrupt, Politics is a dirty game, Politicians are white Collar Gundas etc,etc...

These are common phrase in India. I had option to accept it and continue with my ignorant life.
But i happened to question it & tried to verify it's relevance. So followed,read & analysed Politics.
Yes,i may be called a demented mind.Who is interested in Politics nowadays? Only people with corrupt & greedy ambitions,who want to enter politics to gain power & wealth? But i was not interested in Politics as a career.Not because i believe in above Phrase & ambitions but because it's not easy for middle class guys.I got interested in politics because i felt Politics affecting my day to day life.How?
   I think i can't ignore pile of Garbage in front of my society,potholed roads everywhere,unbearable inflation,Bomb blasts in my city,Chaotic traffic,Unhygienic water & food,irrational policies & laws, countless taxes on working middle,unaffordable medical costs etc,etc..So here are few questions i had & analysis i got:-
1. Is Politics a slang & created by people with evil intentions?
Analysis :- I read about greatest Politician of World History-Chanakya.He was also named Kautilya(crooked) by manipulators of history for obvious reasons.But he worked undeterred to free his motherland from foreign invader(Alexander) & clutches of selfish kings who divided India. He created "Akhand Bharat" & brought it under ruling of a able King through Politics only.India saw cultural & intellectual evolution for many years that followed.Duty of Raja,Praja & Ministers were taught to children by their Gurus at that time.His books Arthasashtra & NitiSashtra are still studied by intellectuals around the world.So how Politics can be bad through which he created prosperous India?
   Wasn't Politics main subject for most Philosophers(Manu,Plato,Socrates,Aristotle etc) of world?Were they nuts? How many Indians know that Political philosophy originates in Ancient India with Manusmriti?What were laws of Manu? Are Indians even interested in knowing all this? But they have an opinion which they argue are based on current circumstances.So next question.

2. All Politicians are Corrupt(Mera Neta Chor hai)?
 True,if you read Breaking News,populist Indian Media.Yes, new pinnacles of Corruptions & non-functional Government does push us in such pessimistic conclusions.
    But if u take pain of reading last 60years of Indian Politics,you will definitely come across some names who put India on path of prosperity in spite of all adversity(Patel,Shastri,Kurien,JP,Rao, Vajpayee etc).Even in today's Politics there are some silver linings. Modi,Swamy,Patnaik,Nitish Kumar,Jairam ramesh to name a few,who made difference in the dark cloud & are recognised by the world media.But we focus on controversies more then achievements.

3. Politics have reached abyss because of politicians?
 No it has reached pit because of lazy citizens who don't even Vote once in 5 years but expect Politicians to work for their welfare next 5years.We self-proclaimed educated middle class,who blame weak poor class for all social evils.We can stand in queue for hours for Movie tickets,sale,Licences,college admissions etc. but we can't stand in a voting queue.We make voting Cards for address proof but not for it's real purpose.If we abuse system,why they will not?
If we don't perform our duty,how we expect others?We try to escape in a phrase "All politicians are bad,whom to vote for?"

 4. Are politicians son of Devil(Lucifer) caste away from heaven to create havoc on earth?
Doesn't these corrupt politicians come from same society we belong to? Isn't their Character degradation reflection of our Character degradation? Are we aware of our character before drawing conclusion about other? What we are doing restore our character,hence society.
 5.  Ek Vote se kya fark parta hai?
In every elections i have seen some "Umeedwar" winning by few hundred seats.One of the first Stories of our childhood teaches us "Boond Boond se Ghara Bharta hai".At least become a "Boond" for our Motherland.